Displaying episodes 1 - 30 of 37 in total

Vector Databases Won’t Replace SQL - Andy Pavlo

SQL’s slow. SQL’s stupid. We hear these claims every time a new shiny tool enters the market, only to realize five years later when the hype dies down that SQL is actu...

How ZoomInfo transitioned from data graveyards to ROI-driven data projects

Too often expensive resources and manhours are spent on dashboards no one uses, resulting in zero ROI. Philip Philip Zelitchenko, VP of Data & Analytics at ZoomInfo me...

Matthew Weingarten from Disney Streaming about Data Quality Best Practices

Matthew Weingarten, Lead Data Engineer at Disney Streaming, talks about principles essential for data quality, cost optimization, debugging, and data modeling, as adop...

Joseph Machado, Senior Data Engineer @ LinkedIn talks best practices

Data engineering should be less about the stack and more about best practices. While tools may change, foundational principles will remain constant. Joseph Mercado, Se...

Professors Joe Hellerstein and Joseph Gonzalez on LLMs

Joe Hellerstein is the Jim Gray Professor of Computer Science at Berkeley and Joseph Gonzalez is an Associate Professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Scie...

Megan Lieu on powerful notebooks that enable collaboration

There are two types of data influencers on LinkedIn:1. Those who talk directly about the products and companies they work for2. Those that provide more general guidanc...

Transitioning from software engineering to data engineering

Every data team should have at least one data engineer with a software engineering background. This time on The Data Engineering Show, Xiaoxu Gao is an inspiring Pytho...

Vin Vashishta explains why we should stop using dashboards

Vin Vashista, the guy we all love to follow, has never seen a dashboard with positive ROI. This time on The Data Engineering Show, he met the bros to talk about the di...

Joe Reis and Matt Housley on the fundamentals of data engineering

After co-writing the best-selling book ‘Fundamentals of Data Engineering’, Joe Reis and Matt Housely joined the bros for some much-needed ranting, priceless data advic...

Bill Inmon, the Godfather of Data Warehousing

As people in the data industry go, Bill Inmon is among the top, often seen as the godfather of the data warehouse. In this Data Engineering Show episode, Bill Inmon ta...

Large-scale data engineering at Momentive.ai - Meenal Iyer

As companies scale, data gets messy. The data team says one thing, the business team says something completely different. Meenal Iyer, VP Data at Momentive.ai, Met the...

Data engineering from the early 2000s till today - BlackRock

When it comes to data management, have we come a long way since the early 2000s? Or has it simply taken us 20 years to finally realize that you can’t scale properly wi...

Zach Wilson on what makes a great data engineer

How good you are at Spark or Flink ≠ how good you are at data engineering. After years of data engineering experience at Airbnb, Netflix, and Facebook, Zach Wilson is ...

How ZipRecruiter and Yotpo power self-service data platforms that work

Data engineers are not paid to do support. Liran Yogev, Director of Engineering at ZipRecruiter, and Doron Porat, Director of Infrastructure at Yotpo talk about buildi...

Data Observability with Millions of Users - Barr Moses

Barr Moses, CEO of Monte Carlo explains the difference between data quality and data observability, and how to make sure your data is accurate in a world where so many...

How Amplitude Engineers Process 5 Trillion Real-time Events

Weichen Wang, Senior Engineering Manager at Amplitude, came to meet the bros to talk about Amplitude's cutting-edge data stack and how it processes 5 Trillion real-tim...

Making Observability a Key Business Driver

80% of the code that you write doesn’t work on the first try. And that’s fine. But knowing which 80% is not working and which 20% is working is the actual challenge. A...

A ClickHouse Review from a Practitioner’s Point of View

Sudeep Kumar, Prinipal Engineer at Salesforce is a ClickHouse fan. He considers the shift to ClickHouse as one of his biggest accomplishments during his eBay days and ...

The Creator of Airflow About His Recipe for Smart Data-Driven Companies

According to Maxime Beauchemin, CEO & Founder at Preset and Creator of Apache Superset and Apache Airflow, building a thriving company is not so straight-forward. So h...

How Similarweb Delivers Customer Facing Analytics Over 100s of TBs

According to Yoav Shmaria, VP R&D Platform at Similarweb, the best way to manage data warehouse costs is tagging every table, database or ETL running to have good gran...

How Klarna Designed a New Data Platform in the Cloud

Klarna is one of the leading fintech companies in the world, valued at $45B. While many corporations are “stuck” on-prem, Klarna made the move and today is a cloud...

How Eventbrite is Modernizing its Data Stack

Archana Ganapathi, Head of Data & Analytics Engineering at Eventbrite, shares Eventbrite’s data stack modernization process, and how you get engineers to adopt new tec...

A Deep Dive into Slack's Data Architecture

Growing from a startup to an IPOed and then an acquired company meant that Slack’s sales org was scaling rapidly. Apun Hiran, Slack’s Director of Software Engineerin...

Transitioning Scopely’s 5.5 PB Data Platform to the Modern Data Stack

Should data engineering AND BI be handled by the same people? According to Jonathan Palmer, VP Data Platform at Scopely – YES. By Analytics Engineers. His team of ...

Getting rid of raw data with Jens Larsson

Why would you create ugly data? According to Jens Larsson, don’t even go near raw data. Jens started off at Google, continued to manage data science at Spotify, caught...

How Zendesk engineers manage customer-facing data applications

This time on the data engineering show, Eldad abandoned his brother Boaz but it’s ok because Boaz got the full 30 minutes to talk to one of the most interesting people...

How are those data intensive customer facing apps engineered at Gong?

Gong manages hundreds of thousands of videoconferences and millions of emails PER DAY, which add up to hundreds of TBs. The Data Bros met Yarin Benado, Gong’s engi...

How Bolt Engineers Are Designing Its Next-Gen Data Platform

Bolt's ride-hailing app serves over 75M users in Europe and Africa and handles 500K queries every day. Erik Heintare along with Bolt's engineering team is in the m...

How did Agoda scale its data platform to support 1.5T events per day?

Scaling a data platform to support 1.5T events per day requires complicated technical migrations and alignment between hundreds of engineers. What to see how Agoda did...

Diving Into GitHub's Data Stack

It’s the mother of all development projects. You use it daily. And so do 65M developers around the world. This time on the Data Engineering Show – A deep dive into Gi...

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